13:00 30.10.2024
Autumn Bonfire Jackpot - results

The Autumn Bonfire jackpot is over and it's time to congratulate the winners! Hurry up to find out the names of the lucky ones!
15:00 28.10.2024
Killer Hour — Results

Find out the names of the three most bloodthirsty PvP warriors of your server!
15:00 25.10.2024
The Hour of the Murderer!

The weekend is already close, the Killer Hour will be held on October 26!
10:57 23.10.2024
Pumpkin Nightmare Event

A unique opportunity to become the owner of a new avatar of the wings of Darkness, a unique Halloween costume or 107 mighty weapons!
11:00 21.10.2024
Updating the GameXP Bank

Some GameXP pages have received a redesign. The main changes affected GameXP Bank.