12:05 02.12.2024
Meet the Winter Jackpot - results

The Meet the Winter jackpot is over, and it's time to congratulate the winners! Hurry up to find out the names of the lucky ones!
18:00 25.11.2024
Killer Hour — Results

Find out the names of the three most bloodthirsty PvP warriors of your server!
15:00 22.11.2024
The Hour of the Murderer!

The weekend is already close, the Killer Hour will be held on November 23!
10:59 20.11.2024
Icy Winds Event

Cold northern winds came to the lands of Azmara, bringing with them the icy magic of the ancient elements. Gate Bregal promises heroes who are ready to help him create treasure boxes.
11:25 19.11.2024
Rebooting gacha machines

The gacha machines on all servers have been rebooted.