00:10 24.11.2022

Sale from Kilias!

Welcome to the Kilias store!

Greetings, traveler!
The main fair of Azmara has opened in Berneo today!
My shop is located in the heart of the stormy square! No one will pass by, because I have the largest assortment of products at the best prices! I love being the center of attention!
Buy quickly, such high-quality products are nowhere to be found!

until 24.11.2022
2,99 GXP

Blessed Experience

Get Platinum XP Potion (1 hour) in large quantities or win a great costume!
You can choose from two improvement options:
1. Physical attack +50
2. Physical attack +24 and Magic attack +100
Set bonus
3 parts: Health points +300 and Critical Damage Chance +6;
4 parts: Attack power + 10% in addition to the effect of 3 parts.
Fits in an additional costume slot on top of the armor worn by the character.
Suitable for any character class.
Elements of one costume are considered a set.
Attention! Reinforced suits can only be worn by characters from level 90!
After opening a non-transferable coupon, you receive a transferable costume item.

By opening this you will get following set or one of the items:Set:Improved Black Shirt Coupon (Perpetual) (1 pcs.)Improved Black Pants (Perpetual) Coupon (1 pcs.)Improved Black Gloves Coupon (Perpetual) (1 pcs.)Improved Black Boots Coupon (Perpetual) (1 pcs.)Weapon protection (5 pcs.)Platinum Potion of Experience (1 hour) (4 to 100 pcs.)
Click on product icon to see it's description
until 24.11.2022
2,99 GXP

until 24.11.2022
14,99 GXP
14,24 GXP

Big Twin Wings + VIP Chance!

You have an incredible opportunity to get Powerful Wings or Champion Wings, magnificent Angel or Demon wings, as well as a chance to win VIP status!
VIP status gives an increase of 10% to HP and MP. Activates the work of the Arcane Stones for armor and weapons. Use this item to reap the benefits of VIP status. Reuse extends the validity period of the status.
By opening this you will get one of the following items:Powerful Wings (1 pcs.)Champion Wings (1 pcs.)Angel wings (1 pcs.)Demon Wings (1 pcs.)Angel's Mark (1 pcs.)Demon's Mark (1 pcs.)VIP status (30 days) (1 pcs.)Nessier's tool (8 pcs.)Lucky stone (16 pcs.)Platinum Potion of Focus (1 hour) (16 pcs.)Weapon protection (16 pcs.)Armor protection (16 pcs.)Platinum Potion of Experience (1 hour) (25 pcs.)Protective capsule (25 pcs.)Potion of Activity (20 minutes) (60 pcs.)And also one of the following items:VIP status (7 days) (1 pcs.)VIP status (3 days) (1 pcs.)Lucky stone (1 pcs.)Platinum Potion of Focus (1 hour) (1 pcs.)Platinum Flatta Booster (3 Hours) (2 pcs.)
Click on product icon to see it's description
until 24.11.2022
14,99 GXP
14,24 GXP

until 24.11.2022
6,99 GXP
Click on product icon to see it's description
until 24.11.2022
6,99 GXP

Drop by again - you won't regret it!