00:00 23.12.2024
Treasures of Encensina: holiday sale
On the eve of the New Year and Christmas, even the most mysterious and secretive residents of the city begin to celebrate the magical season. The mysterious merchant Enkensina, known for her rare and powerful artifacts, is no exception.
This year she decided to please the heroes by offering exclusive discounts on her products. Products that are rarely found in other shops are now available at particularly favorable prices. Enkensina is sure that the magic of the holidays will help you not only make successful purchases, but also gain new strength for upcoming adventures and achievements.
But remember, time is limited. The shop will only be open for a few days, and then it will return to its usual prices. Have time to make profitable purchases and fill your inventory with rare artifacts.
Happy holidays! May the magic of Christmas and New Year bring you good luck in every adventure!

This year she decided to please the heroes by offering exclusive discounts on her products. Products that are rarely found in other shops are now available at particularly favorable prices. Enkensina is sure that the magic of the holidays will help you not only make successful purchases, but also gain new strength for upcoming adventures and achievements.

High quality tote bag (30 days) - 3 pcs.
The set includes 3 Large quality bags for 30 days with a huge 40% DISCOUNT!
Good traders and lucky earners know that without a high-quality Big Bag, you will have to run to the city too often. High Quality Tote Bag will change your life for the better for 30 days!
The effect:
Bag for 28 additional slots in the inventory.
Learn about the purpose and types of bags
Good traders and lucky earners know that without a high-quality Big Bag, you will have to run to the city too often. High Quality Tote Bag will change your life for the better for 30 days!
The effect:
Bag for 28 additional slots in the inventory.
Learn about the purpose and types of bags
By opening this you will get following item:
High quality big bag (30 days) (3 pcs.)

Click on product icon to see it's description

Lucky Stone (100 + 10 pieces)
Get a set of 100 Lucky Stones and get 10 lucky stones as a gift!
Happy stones are fragments of enchanted Seroine stones, to which they have been bringing wreaths and bouquets for years, celebrating their holidays. According to legend, they bring good luck to their owners. Once every ten years, the stone is solemnly broken, and the fragments are taken away as amulets by all participants. Their value is great, because they really bring good luck, and only beautiful elemental maidens can get to the ritual. But lucky stones can also be obtained.
Slightly increases the chances of successfully enchanting ordinary items while in a backpack. More information about the enchantment system can be found here.
Happy stones are fragments of enchanted Seroine stones, to which they have been bringing wreaths and bouquets for years, celebrating their holidays. According to legend, they bring good luck to their owners. Once every ten years, the stone is solemnly broken, and the fragments are taken away as amulets by all participants. Their value is great, because they really bring good luck, and only beautiful elemental maidens can get to the ritual. But lucky stones can also be obtained.
Slightly increases the chances of successfully enchanting ordinary items while in a backpack. More information about the enchantment system can be found here.
By opening this you will get following items:
Lucky stone (100 pcs.)
Lucky stone (10 pcs.)

Click on product icon to see it's description
But remember, time is limited. The shop will only be open for a few days, and then it will return to its usual prices. Have time to make profitable purchases and fill your inventory with rare artifacts.
Happy holidays! May the magic of Christmas and New Year bring you good luck in every adventure!