12:14 24.09.2024

Festive event


Monsters in the world of Azmara stole greeting cards that Gate had prepared in advance for his friends and acquaintances. So that his labors are not wasted, he needs your help. Gate Bregal in Berne is ready to exchange the greeting cards returned by you for valuable prizes. You can get greeting cards for defeating monsters of level 50 and above.
Boxes are now being crafted from the Gate Bregal character in Berneo, there are no quests with a reward in the form of boxes.
For 400 postcards, you can get a "Gift Box", inside which the following treasures are hidden:
  • VIP status (3 days)
  • Stone of ancient knowledge 100 pcs.
  • Platinum concentration potion (1 hour) [NP] 2 pcs.
  • Weapon protection [inventory item]
  • Armor Protection [NP]
  • Huge health potion 10 pcs.
  • Necklace of Life (1 day)
  • Huge mana potion 10 pcs.
  • Box with wings of Scarlet Light (7 days)
  • Acceleration Potion 3 pcs.
  • Increase in the time of Autocach [NP] 3 pcs.
  • Box with wings of Scarlet Light (14 days)
  • Christmas candy
  • Christmas cookies
  • Protective capsule [NP]
  • Super accelerator [NP] 5 pcs.
  • Tombstone plaque [NP] 5 pcs.
  • Platinum guardian Angel [NP] 2 pcs.
  • The call of the Detachment [NP] 5 pcs.
  • Happy Day (2 hours) [NP]
  • The Scroll of Blessed Transformation
  • Scroll of the Cursed Transformation
  • Vrok'ian extract 5 pcs.
  • Luxury Leather Bag (1 day)
  • Luxury Leather Bag (7 days)
  • Stop hunger [NP]
  • Lucky Stone [NP]
  • Quick Recovery Potion (1 hour) [NP]
  • Excellent Power Potion [NP]
  • Guardian Angel [NP]
  • Loudspeaker [NP]
  • Book of Appeal [NP]
  • Feather of the ancients 5 pcs.
  • Increase in the time of Autocach [NP] 2 pcs.
  • Activity Potion (20 minutes) [NP]
  • Platinum Fletta Booster (1 hour) [NP]
  • A small potion of rapid recovery. OZ 10 pcs.
  • A small potion of rapid recovery. OHM 10 pcs.
  • Small recovery potion 10 pcs.
  • Small health recovery potion 10 pcs.
  • Small mana recovery potion 10 pcs.
  • The average potion of rapid recovery. OZ [NP] 10 pcs.
  • The average potion of rapid recovery. OM [NP] 10 pcs.
  • Medium recovery potion [NP] 10 pcs.

For 100 holiday cards you can craft a "Locked gift box". To open it, you will need the Key to the Lucky Cube. And inside you will find the following treasures:
  • Box with wings of Scarlet Light (eternal)
  • Box with wings of Scarlet Light (30 days)
  • Box with wings of Scarlet Light (14 days)
  • Box with wings of Scarlet Light (7 days)
  • The Big Adamantium
  • Feather of the ancients 50 pcs.
  • Treasure of the Ancients (a box from which you can get all the resources for crafting mighty 107 weapons: 1 recipe, 1 large adamantium and 50 feathers)
  • Feather of the ancients 5 pcs.
  • High quality large bag (30 days)
  • VIP status (30 days)
  • VIP status (7 days)
  • VIP status (3 days)
  • The key to another world
  • The key to the catacombs of Nava
  • The Kun Moon Key
  • Necklace of Life (7 days)
  • Lucky Diamond Pickaxe (12 hours)
  • Lucky Ruby Pickaxe (12 hours)
  • Platinum Experience Potion (1 hour) 3 pcs.
  • Platinum Concentration Potion (1 hour) 2 pcs.
  • The Great Experience Potion (3 hours)
  • Experience Potion (24 hours)
  • A great Health Recovery Potion
  • A great Mana Recovery Potion
  • Lucky stone 2 pcs.
  • Protective capsule 2 pcs.
  • Armor protection 2 pcs.
  • Armor protection 3 pcs.
  • Armor protection 5 pcs.
  • Weapon protection 2 pcs.
  • Weapon protection 3 pcs.
  • Weapon protection 5 pcs.
  • Activity Potion (20 minutes) 5 pcs.
  • Luxury Leather Bag (30 days)
  • Luxury Leather Bag (7 days)

The appearance of the wings of Scarlet Light:

Wing Characteristics: +7% OZ
The event will last until October 8.
Unused "Greeting Cards", "Gift Box" and "Locked Gift Box" will be removed at the end of the event.
Have a nice game!